We are El Picón

We are the third generation of a family business with more than 40 years of experience in agribusiness.

Specialized on the cultivation and commercialization of collard greens and potatoes, we look for the best quality in our products.

The best land and use of the traditional non-destructive techniques help us to protect the essence of the crops.

Our big facilities count with a refrigerated storage area which let us distribute the potatoesí during the whole year in great quality conditions.

We also have facilities in Mercaolid, where everything is ready for the potatoesí distribution using different sized packs (5, 10, 15 and 25 kg each one) and collard greens in boxes with 4 or 5 pieces of them in each one.

The quality of our products is guaranteed by our customersí loyalty.

Thanks to you.

You can know more about us through our media appearances. We show you some spaces starred by Jesís Antolín Blanco, "El Picón" manager.

Castilla y LeÛn television interview in 2016

Report for "SURCOS" program of cyltv in 2017